Long before Christianity spread throughout the world, there were those who already believed. They were called Gnostics, and this sect had pre-Christian roots. In Greek, Gnostic is defined as "knowledge".
These ancient followers went on to study the teachings of Jesus Christ. And many people today say, that this was the beginning, from which many of today's religions sprung. As I said in a previous post, this lady could care less whether any of you are Christians, Buddhists, or follow Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, or whatever. My aim is to research many previously unknown facts, that have been kept from the multitudes, and share my findings-- with those who are searching, like me. Those of you, who are satisfied with your religion and seek nothing more, that is fine. This post is meant for the countless number of folks for whom organized religion has few, or no, answers to their questions. Gnostic believers learned that real truth of our existence is available to humans. It is a personal awakening to spiritual truth. Some say, Gnosticism is "universal knowledge, and the heart of every religion". That is before mankind altered the original concept--with their own changes, interpretations, opinions & church rules--many of which had no validity in Jesus' teachings. Of course, to this lady's knowledge, Gnostic teachings were not ever taught in Christian churches & schools, where only human interpretation of the Bible was evident. And by the end of the 4th century, Gnostics were denounced, it's teachers were ostracized and their holy books were destroyed. This is because early Christian leaders believed Gnostics to be threats to their new religion, after Christian church leaders had compiled their own version of the Bible--incidently leaving out several important Books, that should have been included. So, centuries followed when the teachings of Gnosticism became unknown. And many of their ancient beliefs were denounced--beliefs in the importance of mankind's individual revelations & knowledge of God's realm, as well as the inner tranquility of the soul, which leads to a closer loving union with the Almighty. Instead, many Christian churches, particularly, went on to teach about the fearful wrath of God, holding worshipers in horrible fear of burning in hell. But after thousands of years, in 1945, in upper Egypt, earthernware jars were found, with ancient leather bound books within--it was "Gnostic Gospels". And it was also reported, in many of these texts, that our loving God encompassed both male & female descriptions --as Father God & Mother God. So, for we searchers of truth, who have always felt that organized religion was lacking, there is apparently a belief system that is in harmony with us. Therefore, our beliefs, that we could reach out--some of us through visions, dreams or from the very core of infused knowledge in the depths of our souls---it is true! And those who ridicule us for our beliefs, just because we do not blindly follow a particular man-made religion, they are the ones who have a lot to learn. Gnostics believe that only truth can become known by direct experience. Because beliefs can sometimes be discarded. But experience can never be. MORE.....LATER....
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Recently, little known to the multitudes was one of NASA's particular Kepler Mission plans for this telescope. Granted this phenomenally amazing telescope is always seeking new discoveries in space. But one particular mission was aimed at specifically finding, among the countless stars in the Milky Way, any planets that might possibly support life.
Now, many of us spiritually "thinking" people have already known from deep within our soul's core, that life on other planets is fact. So, we have no need for such validation, by looking deep into space, among constellations & galaxies for proof. Because this was never in question for us. Our belief could be chalked up to a kind of intuition, or the result of an infusion of other-worldly advice, or a memory of sorts from when we were on the "other side". But no matter where this "knowing" came from, for many of us there is absolutely no question that life on countless other planets is there. Regardless of how arrogant mankind has been since the beginning, believing & teaching that Planet Earth was the only planet anywhere, that supports life, they have been continually wrong. Reportedly, since this specific NASA mission, they have not aired any discussion (via TV or radio that most of us know of), about the results of this endeavor. So, apparently we--the people-- are still not being apprised of their findings. But then, what else is new? STAY TUNED FOR MORE.... You'd have to be living in a cave in the woods somewhere, not to have heard about the movie "Avatar". Because the commercials for this flick are everywhere.
But what does "Avatar" mean? And does this movie reflect the true meaning of the word? One dictionary reflects, that the word, Avatar, is defined in ancient terms as "the incarnation of a Hindu deity in human or animal form." Another dictionary described this word as "a fully freed soul, incarnating directly from God on this physical planet or elsewhere, to fulfill a highly spiritual task in the name of God and return to God after accomplishing this task". Not having seen this film, I cannot ascertain whether or not the plot of the movie reflects this definition. So, I invite anyone, who has seen it, to "comment" to me about their opinion in this regard. Having seen numerous re-plays of AVATAR movie commercials, with the prehistoric creatures and the blue people, who inhabit that realm, my question remains as to whether or not this movie's plot is true to the definition of the movie's title. Is the story line depicting a parallel universe, a vision of futuristic planet life or a reaching back into pre-history? I would really like to know. HOPING TO HEAR FROM SOMEONE, WHO WILL COMMENT...... It was 15 degrees outside on my back deck this morning, up here in the foothills. As my dear departed Daddy used to say--"not fit weather for man or beast". And I totally agree. Because it is on such mornings, when all many of us want to do is to pull the covers over us and stay in in our warm comfy bed--our comfort zone.
But alas, that is not meant to be for we humans. Unlike our furry mammal friends, many of whom hibernate each winter, they only come out when Spring breaks once again. Even our domesticated "best friend" cats & dogs could survive with their fur coats, if need be. That is, if we pet owners would not insist that them stay by our sides inside the house. Unfortunately, we humans were not endowed with fur coverings. No, we come into this world with naught but bare skin, and have to struggle all of our lives to acquire clothes to cover our bodies. But God, in His infinite wisdom bestowed upon human beings something lesser mammals do not possess. Yes, the Almighty gave each of us an advanced brain, which allows us a valuable tool with which to seek what we need. Of course, some of us use our brains wisely, and some of us do not. However, we should do the best we can with what God has given us, so as to try and make our lives better. Unfortunately, there are those, who are jealous of others, who seem to do so well in life. But if the truth be told, those seemingly successful folks, whom some are jealous of, oftentimes behind the scenes could be very unhappy people. So, take heed of that old adage-- "Judge not, until ye have walked in the shoes of others". Always remember, God has bestowed on each of us certain talents, which we are supposed to make use of in this life. Some have been given artistic talent, or wisdom in money matters, writing ability, compassion in caring for others as in doctors & nurses, construction expertise--the list goes on and on. But no matter what the existing talent, there is an ability in each of us, if only we would recognize it and put it to good use. So, no matter what each day brings into our lives, we have to get up and face what develops. We quite simply have to put one foot in front of the other and "keep on keeping on"--even sometimes when we do not feel like it. God expects no less from us. MORE TO COME........ In 1964, Frank Sinatra sang a song, entitled "It Was A Very Good Year". But of course, this could not describe the past year of 2009. For those months saw much misery & sorrow for multitudes of folks, who were even losing their homes, because of the extreme down turn in the economy.
However, this difficult era, which will be destined to become another "foot note" in the history books of the future is nothing new in the annuals of Planet Earth. Recessions, depressions, natural disasters, wars & rumors of wars have been part of the plight of human kind, since recorded history--and probably long before. Indeed, similar difficult times just keep popping up every few decades, leaving generation after generation of people to wonder--"how can we get through this?" It is at such times, that we should reach deep within ourselves, to our soul's core, if you will, for God's direction, to see us through such difficult times. I have been directed to explore true spirituality by means of this Blog. And I hope you will join me, by submitting your impressions and your feelings in this regard. When I say "spirituality", I do not mean "religion". For true spirituality is above & beyond any man-made religion, that is currently evident on our planet. It matters not to this lady, whether you are Christian, Jewish, Muslin, Hindu, or whatever, because we are ALL God's children. And in reality we all pray to the same Almighty Being. So, until my next post, STAY TUNED THERE IS MORE TO COME. This Blog marks the beginning of a new relationship, for those of us who are interested in true spirituality, and how to put such knowledge to good use for us all. STAY TUNED FOR MORE !
Author's RemarksIt has been this Cajun author's intent to educate, and to entertain the reader, through these well-researched Acadian/Cajun historical novels. Archives
April 2011
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